

On this and other pages you can read articles by Michael written on diet, heavy metals, fungus, parasites, hormones, sleep and weight problems. Simply click on the topic:

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What you put in your mouth is crucial. Unfortunately a lot of food items are contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, toxic mould and/or heavy metals. If you have access try to eat organic produce. Not all of it is of good quality but you can reduce your exposure to harmful substances.

However you may increase your exposure to mould and bacteria. Food handling is important with organic produce that has been dried, transported long distances, then stored in food bins in the retail outlet.

Michael has been testing food for over 20 years on his computers. During this time he has identified common problems with certain foods. Read on:

Heavy metals

This information below is presented in note form.

Arsenic: found in imported garlic, root vegetables (potato, sweet potato, parsnip, turnip), onion, pepper, shellfish, chicken stock.

Much used in electronics and may leak from mobile phones, tablets, laptops, monitors and LED televisions especially if they are old and on for long periods. It can also be found in the older treated pine used for decking, fencing and garden edging.

Mercury: found in farmed and predatory fish, and the fish emulsion used on crops like tomatoes, celery, many greens, citrus, bananas, stone fruit and cashews. Fish emulsion is allowed in organic farming.

Mercury is found in cheap hair dyes, perfumes, hair products, makeup and skin creams. Organic brands from well-regulated regions like Europe should be safer.

Used in (and may leak from) electronic devices - mobiles, tablets, laptops. Still used in popular vaccines like the 'flu shot (thimerosal).

From September 2021 mercury became the key growth limiting substance needed by fungi and yeast. It would therefore be wise to limit exposure to mercury if you live in mouldy conditions or are prone to yeast infections.

Click here to read more about mercury and here to view some relevant scientific references about mercury.

Cadmium: found in vehicle exhaust, rust-proofing paint, artists oils, shellfish, tobacco, marijuana, may contaminate fruits like mango.

Both the tobacco and marijuana plants look for and absorb cadmium from the soil. It is transported up to their leaves and stored in the central vacuole of the leaf cell where it acts as an insecticide. Insects that eat the leaves are poisoned by the cadmium and die.

Much of the lung damage caused by smoking is thought to be due to inhaled cadmium. Cadmium is so toxic that it is the only heavy metal closely regulated in fertilisers.

Click here to view some relevant scientific references about cadmium.

Lead may contaminate avocados from its use as a pesticide until the late 1980s. Garden soil can be contaminated by lead paint in older suburbs. Lead can be found in solder in electronics, lead-light windows, the flashing on old roofs and lipstick (especially darker colours).

Click here to view some relevant scientific references about lead.

Silver: the main sources of silver are silver jewellery, silver cutlery, and colloidal silver preparations. Silver solder is an issue for people who work with electronics. A lot of people are now buying silver coins to keep as a reserve currency. Avoid handling these coins as much as possible.

Stainless Steel: cookware, kettles, cafe expresso machines, instant water boilers, canned food. Can cause chronic allergy states. Safer cookware may be enamel, stoneware, Pyrex saucepans.

Radioactive fallout: dust from nuclear testing and mining blows across the country and washes into water supplies after heavy rains where it slowly settles to the bottom. Perhaps avoid tap water for a week after heavy rains and install decent filters.

Tellurium: tellurium is mostly used in solar panels. At the end of summer, Michael found tellurium toxicity in many patients who live and work near solar panels. Other sources of tellurium include nuts and copper wire.

Tin: tin is found in tin-plated food and beverage cans, glass and ceramics, some soaps and perfumes, and in thousands of cosmetic products including body washes, shampoos and conditioners.

Tin is used to give a luxurious pearly or opalescent look to liquids as they emerge from the bottle. With daily use significant amounts of tin will be absorbed through the scalp and fingers.

Tin is also a major ingredient in the mercury amalgams that reside in the mouths of many older people. Tin was used to stabilize plastics like PVC, polyurethanes and silicones but many of these uses have been banned globally.

It is estimated that over 400,000 tons of tin were used globally in 2016, and seafoods can be significantly contaminated. The release of tin into canned foods depends on the presence or abscence of a lacquer or coating lining the inside surface of the tin, the acidity of the food, storage conditions and the presence of chemicals in the food that can leach tin from the can.

It is worth noting that many restaurants and catering services use large tins of ingredients like coconut milk and tomato puree in their kitchens. It may be prudent to avoid dishes based on canned liquid ingredients for the time being.

Tin is a major component of the solders used in electronics. We are using personal electronic devices like mobile phone, tablets and laptops and sitting in front of monitors that are full of tin solder. Problems can occur when these devices heat up up with prolonged use and the solder starts to vaporise and leak out of the device.

In April 2021, the rate of growth of fungal and yeast organisms became dependant on the availability of tin. This changed in September 2021 to mercury. The availability of mercury in the body now determines the rate and amount of fungal and yeast growth.

Titanium: titanium became an important mineral for the growth of fungi and yeast in December 2019. This continued until April 2020 when tin suddenly became the rate-limiting mineral in fungal growth. Prior to titanium it had been aluminium.

Common sources of titanium include: toothpaste, sunscreen, makeup especially foundation, lipstick, some grades of stainless steel (the steel plates in glass kettles may leach out titanium), certain non-stick cookware, most types of paint and tablets (drugs and supplements). Titanium dioxide is a food additive (E171).

A table taken from an Asian metal company summarises the uses of titanium.

Aluminium: deodorant (including spray cans); aluminium foil, chocolate and sweet wrappers, moulds used to set chocolate.

Baked goods: commercial baking powder has a high aluminium content. Bread, cakes, pancakes, biscuits, cookies, steamed buns, tarts and pies are baked on aluminium trays or in tins. Cut the side and bottom crusts off breads and cakes, avoid eating the end crusts and the outer layers of pie cases as these areas have been in close contact with aluminium during baking.

Other food sources include: potatoes especially sweet potatoes, spinach, green and black teas, refined salt, soy milk, coffee pods, canned drinks, soups and stocks brewed in aluminium cookware. Your tap water may been high in aluminium in times of drought. Avoid aluminium water bottles.

Thallium: kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, banana. Vehicle exhaust fumes can contain thallium which is used as an anti-knock agent instead of lead.

Click here to view some relevant scientific references about thallium.

Mould and yeast

Mould and yeast are currently using the elements silver and tellurium as key nutrients. The amount of silver and/or tellurium available in your body determines the amount of fungi and yeast that can live in your body.

Prior to 2020 mould sought a mineral that naturally adopted a +1 valency state and Michael observed at different times in recent years mould using the Group 3B minerals aluminium, gallium, indium, thallium and boron. In early 2020 fungi started using titanium which normally exists in a +2 or +4 valency state but then changed to tin in April 2021. There have been several other key element changes since 2021 including to mercury. These changes occur for no logical reason. The result is always the same however - if you remove and avoid contact with or consumption of the particular element, yeast and fungi cannot grow much in your body.

Presently try to avoid as much silver and tellurium exposure as possible as, put very simply, mould and and yeast cannot thrive in your body if there is little of these elements available. This is the case even if you live in a mouldy environment.

Homeopathic note: silver and tellurium can be gradually removed from your body using homeopathic remedies based on these elements on a regular basis. It is important to match the potency of the remedy chosen to each patient. Young people can often tolerate very high potencies for a while while the elderly may only be able to cope with the mild potencies.

Mould can absorb large amounts of heavy metals and trace minerals onto its surface. Thus removal of mould from the body is best done with the regular taking of heavy metal binders otherwise the heavy metals released can poison vital tissues. Absorption of trace minerals means that a mineral deficiency state often exists in the cells of people affected by toxic mould. Reference material is provided here about these two important aspects of mould disease.

Mycotoxins: a number of fungi produce toxic molecules callled myctotoxins to help them survive inside the body. There are three organisms that cause the bulk of systemic human fungal disease:

Aspergillus mould produces a large number of toxins with the most dangerous being the aflatoxins, well known liver carcinogens. This mould also produces many volatile organics including alcohols, straight-line and ring-shaped hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents and molecules like turpentine and naphthalene.

Fusarium also produces many toxins with the best known being the T-2 toxins. Fusarium is a mould that grows on plants, seeds and fruits. Researchers have found that it has often colonised the drains in our living quarters.

Candida albicans is a yeast that produces the toxin acetaldehyde to allow it to invade deep into the body. It causes the vaginal infection in women known as thrush. Candida also commonly overgrows in the mouths of infants.

Sources of mould: mould is found in damp places, on stored food (nuts, cheese, cereals, raw muesli, pepper, teas), in garden soil and the home:

Nuts: buy local product (Californian walnuts are generally ok), wash well, pat dry, salt, roast at 120 °C for 50 minutes (100 minutes for raw peanuts), then store in the fridge or freezer

Cheese: old cheese can be mouldy. Cut off the mouldy rind, avoid buying pre-grated cheese except for baking or grilling. Store grated cheeses in the freezer

Pepper: peppercorns are seeds picked up from the ground, bagged up and exported from developing countries. You would expect them to be mouldy. Always decline when restaurant staff offer to grate raw pepper onto your food

Tea: gently boil teas both black and herbal for 1-2 minutes to kill mould spores

Cereals: freezing cereals does not kill mould but does slow it down. Put raw cereals like muesli in a hot fry pan for 30-60 seconds before eating. Clean up dust from stored foods carefully on kitchen surfaces. Organic cereals may be more contaminated so use extra care with imports like quinoa

Your garden: use a mask and gloves when handling garden soils and composts especially if they come out of a sealed plastic bag that has been stewing in the hot sun

Your home: remove visible mould from household areas with diluted white vinegar. Examine for mould behind and under furniture especially in damp areas. Ventilate living areas well

Note: the most toxic moulds do not have a musty smell so the abscence of a smell in no reassurance. Use dehumidifiers or absorbent crystals if unable to ventilate (wardrobes, basements, attics)

back to articles list read about parasites


Toxoplasma gondii is the top human parasite. Statistics from around the world put infection rates at up to 90% in some countries, and it is estimated that a quarter of the human population is infected. Infection rates are higher in low-lying and coastal populations and in countries with a high dairy consumption (eg. France).

Many authors consider that most of these infections are "latent" meaning they are not particularly active. However once the parasite enters your nervous system it can colonise many areas including the brain, spinal cord and nerves. This can lead to disease problems like osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, heart failure and indigestion.

Toxoplasma can also infect organs and tissues like the breast without the immune system seeming to do anything much to remove the infestation. Researchers suspect that the parasites can induce the production of cytokines by the regulatory immune cells.

Michael has found the parasites can infect regulatory immune cells such B-Lymphocytes, M2 monocytes, macrophages, mast and dendritic cells and induce them to produce cytokines like Interleukin-4, Interleukin-10, TGFBeta2, Interleukin-6 and TNFalpha. These cytokines are released into the surrounding tissue where they coat receptors on the surface of local CD4+ lymphocytes rendering them inactive and effectively useless.

In the central nervous system (CNS), toxplasmosis can corrupt cells like astrocytes, neurons, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells and microglia to make the cytokines TNFalpha, IL-10, TGFBeta1, IL-12 and IL-4. Ependymal cells containing Toxoplasma parasites then seem to spread around the body to protect other colonies of parasites as though they were being driven there by the microbes.

It is interesting to speculate about the role of toxoplasmosis in the survival of tumour metastases. The very same regulatory cells (B cells, M2 monocytes and mast cells) are known to be scattered throughout tumour cell masses and are thought to suppress an immune response against the cancer cells. Could the underlying problem be infection by Toxoplasma gondii of these regulatory immune cells?

Cats are the primary host for toxoplasmosis and millions of spores may be found in cat litter and garden soil where cats are active. Toxoplasmosis is well known to contaminate fish, meat and animal milk products. Cultured dairy products like yoghurt, cheese and sour cream can be highly contaminated. The parasite can live for more than two years at low temperatures so even old cheeses could be a problem.

Toxoplasmosis is a danger to pregnant women. It can travel from the gut to the sacral spinal cord then into the uterus where it can damage the foetus leading to spontaneous abortion.

The parasite usually enters the body in the lower stomach where it finds the vagus nerve and ascends to the brain stem. This can cause nausea, indigestion and the release of glucagon, a pancreatic hormone that signals the liver to release its sugar stores. The liver runs out of glycogen (stored sugar) by the middle of the day leading to afternoon sleepiness and sugar cravings.

The pancreas responds by releasing more and more insulin to counter the glucagon. The levels can go up of both hormones to 4-10X normal. This is called insulin resistance and wears out the pancreatic islet cells leading to the early onset of diabetes. The elevated blood sugar leads to increased fat deposition and obesity.

Around a third of our adult population is now diabetic and obese. Much of this is due to toxoplasmosis.

Sometimes the parasite tracks up the gastric plexus nerves into the spinal cord where it causes a burning pain between shoulder blades and acne on the back. The parasite can track down the nearby heart nerves when it can eventually cause cardiomyopathy and heart failure.

Qu: why are so many people infected?

Pasteurisation of animal milk products may not be killing all the parasites. Modern pasteurisation involves the application of a small amount of heat (to 71.5℃) for a short period of time (15 seconds). It is not designed to sterilise the milk. This milk (containing live parasites) is then cultured with bacteria to make yoghurt, cheese and sour cream.

So to avoid infection it is important to cook or freeze all dairy products. Raw meat and fish also carry these parasites. Four days in the deep freezer will kill toxoplasmosis.

There are many traps: restaurants, dinner parties, drinks with canapes: raw meat, raw and smoked fish, butter, cheeses, sour cream, yoghurt. Toxoplasmosis parasites can survive for more than two years at 4℃ so even parmesan cheese can be a problem. Michael once tested 20 different feta cheeses from all around the world - all were contaminated.

The parasite can be destroyed with bioresonance, but then you must be vigilant with animal products in future. When you dine out socially bring a plate of cheese and nuts that you have prepared and eat only these. Use cheese that can be fried or braised like haloumi or paneer if you are unable to do a 4-day freeze. Use long-life milk if you have neither the time nor the facilities to freeze milk when on holidays. Remember the milk in store-bought coffee has not been fully boiled so consider drinking black or non-dairy coffee or tea. Eat coconut yoghurt or make your own yoghurt from dried milk powder products or dry kefir granules and thawed animal milks.

A number of references are included on the website to support the opinions expressed by Michael in the text. Toxoplasmosis is just one of a dozen protozoal parasites that can cause severe health problems in humans. A few of these are now briefly discussed.

Protozoa (protista)

These tiny parasite have names like Giardia lamblia, Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis, Plasmodium (malaria), Babesia, Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Cryptosporidium, Balantidium, Sarcocystis, Naegleria fowleri and Leucocytozoon. Most live in water feeding on bacteria and smaller protista. They can be found in water tanks, ponds, creeks, rivers and town water in periods of high heat and low rainfall. They colonise our domestic animals and can be picked up from raw or undercooked animal products. Some are picked up by flying insects and injected into us when they bite. Household insects like flies and cockroaches may also deposit these parasites on food and kitchen surfaces.

You should filter or boil all drinking water and seal or cover it in a container. Store in a refrigerator if available. Do not use tap water to rinse your mouth after tooth brushing. Avoid tap water in restaurants especially during hot dry periods. Best to buy bottled water if they do not filter their water (ask them about this).

Some protozoa are transmitted by blood-sucking insects (mosquitos, midges, ticks), so wear suitable clothes and footwear especially if outdoors in the evening or early morning near water and/or moist vegetation in warm humid climates. Resort to chemical insect repellants only if simple barrier methods are not available.

Other protozoa are picked up by flies and cockroaches from bird and animal droppings and carried onto food. Do not leave food uncovered and unattended for more than brief periods if you are living in warm climates. Cover food with suitable screens or cloths, refrigerate if possible. Raw foods should always be cooked or washed well in clean filtered or recently-boiled water.


The eggs and larvae of worms may contaminate garden herbs and salad leaves where animal manures and droppings have been deposited. Close contact with domestic animals that dig in the soil can also be a source of exposure. Inadequate cooking of meat can lead to infestation and possibly serious consequences.

Worms generally live in the intestines but there are many other possibilities. Worms can use the gall bladder, bile ducts and pancreatic duct as nesting sites. When the gall bladder is involved the infested person often feels stiffness and pain in the neck and trapezius muscles. When the pancreatic duct is involved (Eurytrema pancreaticum) the person may suffer with hypoglycaemic attacks and sugar cravings as the worms release insulin from the pancreas.

The larvae of some roundworms migrate to the lungs where they cause chronic cough as they wriggle up the airways to be expelled. Other roundworms spread their cysts into the muscles where they cause pain (trichinosis). The larvae of tapeworms can lodge in any part of the body - in the brain they can lead to epileptic fits.

The growth cycle of worms is timed to the phases of moon: roundworms and hookworms seem to hatch at the Full Moon, fluke worms at the New Moon. Once the main infestation has been treated with herbs or pharmaceuticals, maintenance treatment works best if taken at times when new worms have just hatched. Worms breed faster in the warmer months so that more days of treatment will be required than in the cooler months.