
Immune deficiency

A well-balanced competent immune system is crucial to controlling microbes and parasites in your body. People who suffer from diminished immunity may experience one or more of the following problems:

Chronic allergy

Many allergy sufferers have an immune system skewed away from defense by the dominance of the T Helper-2 (TH2) CD4+ class of white blood cell. An immune system with excessive numbers of TH2 cells is intrinsically weak and this will encourage germ overgrowth.

TH2 Dominance is usually caused by the uncontrolled release of the messaging proteins Interleukin-4 or Interleukin-10 (IL-10) with IL-10 being the usual culprit. You could ask your doctor to measure your blood level of IL-10 but it can be an expensive test, and if it is elevated you still have to find the cause.

Aside: the TH2 and TH1 cells are collectively called the CD4+ cells. A Lymphocyte Subset blood test could be run to measure your CD4+ level but the test cannot discriminate between the TH1 and TH2 classes.

The writer has seen many cases of TH2 Dominance. Most have been due to high levels of exposure to metal alloys especially those found in stainless steel.

If you suffer with chronic allergies reducing your exposure to stainless steel is important. Common sources include stainless steel cookware, cutlery, kettles, thermos, expresso coffee machines, catering urns and under-sink water boilers. Many foods and drinks are also prepared in stainless steel vats including tomato-based pastes and sauces, jams, spreads (such as yeast extracts), wine, beer, soy and other non-dairy milks.

Tomato is the main ingredient in barbeque sauce, a favourite with children. Tomatoes are acidic and easily dissolve steel atoms out of the vat wall. A client once related that her father worked in a tomato sauce factory. He told her that it was necessary to replace the vats every two years because they steadily dissolved into the sauce.

Titanium can also cause TH2 Dominance. Sources include sunscreen, toothpaste, makeup, lipstick, paint and the non-stick cookware with a coating based on titanium and carbon.

Frequent respiratory illness

People who seem to catch every cold that is going around have a suppressed immune system. Folks prone to virus infections are also prone to yeast and fungal overgrowth as the white blood cells known as the Natural Killer (NK) cells are necessary to control both types of germ.

NK cells make up around 70% of your immune system. They are matured from progenitor cells in the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and tonsil tissues.

The production of NK cells can be increased by resolving toxicity problems in the marrow, spleen and thymus using bioresonance treatment. If you cannot access bioresonance, there are many useful herbal remedies such as echinacea, astragalus, shitaki mushrooms and Chinese herbs. Acupuncture can also be effective. Homeopathics can also be valuable - remedies like Silica and Arsenicum, and the nosodes for Spleen and Thymus.

Western medicine does not have a lot to offer for the bone marrow, spleen and thymus. Research monies have always been directed into the treatment side because most people only seek out a doctor when they or their family members are sick. Most people do not invest in therapies that boost the immune system unless they are relatively cheap. Vitamin supplements are an obvious example.

Chronic dental problems

People prone to dental pain and dental infection usually have immune system weakness. The mouth contains billions of bacteria that must be kept in check, and when immunity drops bacteria will invade the gum tissue and bone around the teeth leading to pain and sensitivity. Eventually an abscess may form.

Heading to the dentist for drainage, root canal therapy and anti-biotics is a partial strategy at best. Seeing a bioresonance practitioner for restoration of the bone marrow, spleen and thymus would reduce the chances of further painful episodes. Acupuncture might also be beneficial as the teeth are considered to be part of the energy meridian system. When a meridian is weak the teeth on that energetic path are more prone to attack by microbes.


Headaches are often caused by microbes in the brain - the toxic moulds Aspergillus and Fusarium, Candida albicans, protozoa, Rickettsia and bacteria. These germs can thrive in the brain when the immunity is down, living in the surrounding membranes (meninges), central chambers (ventricles) and arteries. Fungi can produce a variety of mycotoxins and solvent chemicals to poison the immune cells that are attacking them. When the fungal organisms are taken up by NK cells they have recently started producing a variety hormones and prostaglandins to prevent their destruction.

Headaches can also be caused by viral infections (encephalitis), large parasites (tape worm embryos), environmental toxins and radiations, abnormal intracranial pressures, trigger points in the muscles of the head and neck, gut diseases, allergies, reactions to drugs, herbs and supplements, and so on.

Note: microbes that cause headache are too small to be easily identified by brain x-rays or MRI scan. A normal scan result does not exclude an infectious process.

Chronic digestive problems

Indigestion, pain, cramps and bloating in the stomach and lower abdomen are often the result of poor immunity. Many people regularly eat food contaminated by toxic mould and yeast. Nuts, raw muesli and cereals, black pepper, raw spices, old cheese (parmesan), spoiled fresh and dried fruits. Consequently the gut of many people is overrun by toxic mould and unfriendly bacteria. Even the Lactobacilli (Acidophilus and Bifidus) that are normally considered benign and friendly can become a problem when the immune system is deficient.

It is estimated that 90% of our immune system is stationed around the bowel to control this rabble of microbes. Apart from a weak immune system, other big problems to be considered are food allergy and intolerance, liver and pancreas weakness, and worm infestations.

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